2 room studio in prime park slope 1800 rent stable

studio 2 rooms Rent Stabilized
located in park Slope
prime block
super laundry
Coded access and on duty super
Located in the very center of Park Slope you will never be bored.
World class restaurants, shopping and entertainment are at your fingertips.
Prospect Park is a short stroll away.
Rent $1800
Convenient to
FG at 7th Av 0.39 miles
R at Union St 0.45 miles
23 at Grand Army Plaza 0.51 miles
FGR at 4 Av-9 St 0.54 miles
BQ at 7th Av 0.57 miles
View subway lines on Google Maps
District 15
P.S. 321 William Penn (0K,01,02,03,04,05,SE)ent $1300
