OPEN HOUSE Oct 25th Sunday 1 to 3 pm excellent corner 1 family home 25 x 100 lot large spacious backyard with canopy prime bay ridge location 3 bedrooms upstairs 1.2 million
price: 268k maintenace : 600 shares: 738 sponsor sale on shore road gym in building excellent deal in this market prime shore road two laundry rooms super porter hard wood floors
excellent corner 1 family home 25 x 100 lot open house sunday oct 25 1-3 pm large spacious backyard with canopy prime bay ridge location 3 bedrooms upstairs 1.2 million
one bedroom faces front hard wood floors parking 160 per mth storage 15 dollars per month dinette area laundry in bldg FiOS dishwasher modern kitchen new cabinets shiny hard wood floors